Oliver Stone I took in two equally solid movies this past week, both by famous directors. First, Oliver Stone’s Snowden which I was lucky enough to see opening night including a talk back with the Stone, the actors, and most importantly, Edward Snowden via satellite. I have not read the reviews yet, not liking to… Continue reading You Say You Want a Revolution: Snowden and Howard’s Beatle Doc.
Month: September 2016
Birbiglia and Gethard, equally irresistible
“Don’t Think Twice” is an amiable rom com that I wouldn’t say you need to run out to see, but because I love Mike Birbiglia and thought his one man show “Thank God for Jokes” in NYC was genius, I have to promote this movie. Chris Gethard is also equally charming in a vulnerable, boy-needs-a-hug… Continue reading Birbiglia and Gethard, equally irresistible
Eat That Question: Frank Zappa
https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=frank+zappa&view=detailv2&qft=+filterui%3alicense-L2_L3_L5_L6&id=F4D5EB86010CC9751E45BB17E1EDE0512E49840C&selectedIndex=2&ccid=8n0WXeyi&simid=608003727703345974&thid=OIP.Mf27d165deca2c8ae7da78a76c4f5cd66o0&ajaxhist=0 The great thing about Frank Zappa is, he doesn’t need an introduction. Even if you weren’t a follower, if you’re above the age of 45, you know his name. My preconceived notions were that he was a wild man, perhaps even savage given some of the sexually explicit lyrics my friend had played me… Continue reading Eat That Question: Frank Zappa