Persian Version, written and directed by Maryam Keshavarz is a moving based-on-a-true story film. The film garnered two prizes this year at Sundance for both screenwriting and as a drama.
The actresses who play mother and daughter (Niousha Noor and Layla Mohammadi respectively) issued robust and believable performances. Iranian women have been through some things meaning serious oppression and abuse in disguise of ‘protection’ and Keshavarz’s story helps us understand this in the flesh.
Keshvaraz’s story felt like a roller coaster ride whose pilot throws it in reverse a few too many times. The flashbacks were important, yet the number of transitions back and forth felt jolting and confusing.
But beyond that I commend the film and want to highlight three other supporting performances. Kamand Shafieisabet portrays the mother as a 13 year old pregnant bride (yes sadly that was her age and condition). Her acting was brave and realistic. Tom Byrne is destined (I hope) to play Hugh Grant in a biopic, handsome, humble and British sexy. And last but not least, Bella Warda, as the smart and sassy Grandmother and matriarch.
You may laugh and cry in this film which shows its range and ability to summon emotions.