A Rare Hamletesque Command: Get Thee to a ‘Tangerine’ry


Ok, forgive the bad analogy, but since my commandments are rare outside of my workplace (evidence based essays), I had to make that announcement. Forget the nunnery baby, the world is wide wide open with Tangerine on the screen.

With Tangerine, think “Clerks” run by the Santa Monica transgendered. Think “Dope” with an equally great soundtrack’s portrayal of debauched cab drivers and sincere donut shop owners.

All shot on an I-phone, no less. I’m not related to director Sean Baker, but I wish I was. He’s a genius. A millennials’ P.T. Anderson.

I’m writing in monosyllabic, mainly because I’m kicking myself for sending the dvd back to Netflix before watching it again. And there, I’ve revealed my true techno-backwood roots in preferring hard copies to streaming. Perhaps I belong in the Hamlet era sorely in need of Horatio surrounded by Rosencrantzes and Gildensterns.

By Goldie

Book seller and film critic who retired from the institution of education. I've written plays, three of which have been performed both in Rochester NY and here in Sarasota FL. I also write stand up and obviously, film critique. My comment section does not work, so please email me your comments at irun2eatpizza@hotmail.com


  1. JB, I saw negative reviews from other critics, but none so well articulated. Bravo. I chalk up my admiration of the movie as being in the right mood upon viewing. Thanks again for reading and responding. Roxanne

  2. Loved that you added Hamlet images / characters to your review; And this cretin thinks (methinks?) that Horatio is the appropriate character to use while discussing the “topography” of this movie. But I found the movie to be pretty much a 50’s middle American love story that has been folded, spindled and mutilated by ultra 21st century characters. This transformed the movie to a absurd reality called Tangerine. Think Thornton Wilder morphs into Andy Warhol’s crazy younger brother. However, thank you as always for your smart reviews. Keep it up.

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