Moment of Zen: Herzog’s Cave of Forgotten Dreams

Werner Herzog’s Cave of Forgotten Dreams isn’t for the Fast and Furious crowd, but given the overload of stress and information, the documentary certainly fit the bill yesterday granting me a much needed Moment of Zen. The cave which was discovered in the 90’s dates back 35,000 years ago (not a typo:) Within it’s walls… Continue reading Moment of Zen: Herzog’s Cave of Forgotten Dreams

William Nicholson’s Hope Gap, Mega Talent Takes Up All the Spaces

I was about to type William Nicholson where you been all my life, but never seeing The Gladiator #girlwhodoens’tlikeviolence, I did not know that this gent was previously Oscar nominated for best screenplay, as well as for Shadowlands which I did see suckerforalovestorywithanintrovert. Ok, ok, enough hash tagging. How about a lecture instead? For the… Continue reading William Nicholson’s Hope Gap, Mega Talent Takes Up All the Spaces

At the Urging of…Art School Confidential

The Book Store has always been a source for movie recommendations, from classics Barry Rothman hipped me to (Sweet Smell of Success to name one) to modern ones, from James Mammone (Ghost Story) and one from my Curb Your Enthusiasm compatriot Carrie from 2006 (Art School Confidential) when I was knee deep in teaching and… Continue reading At the Urging of…Art School Confidential

From N.E. to Gem: Emma

During the first ten minutes of Emma, the confused me was conjuring humorous blog titles, like, (enema, get it?), but then I got it, as in understood who the characters were and what in goodness name the plot was actually about. And being an occasional playwright and screenwriter myself, means needing the audience to… Continue reading From N.E. to Gem: Emma

Seberg, A Worthy Attempt

Seberg, directed by Benedict Andrews, is a worthy effort that could have been more effective had the pacing been sped up. Watching the film was like playing a record on a speed too slow. Editing of one scene would have quickened its stride; a totally superfluous NYC scene in which Jean Seberg, portrayed expertly by… Continue reading Seberg, A Worthy Attempt

Didn’t Karen Carpenter sang about this flick? “I Long To Be Cloistered You” P.O.A.L.O.F.

Ok people, here’s where I go against the grain, AGAIN, and say reviewers, you are so predictable. Pander to feminists and you’ll get the glory. If you’re stuck in a castle with two other women, you can guess that two will eventually hook up, hence my blog title about being cloistered. Don’t get me wrong,… Continue reading Didn’t Karen Carpenter sang about this flick? “I Long To Be Cloistered You” P.O.A.L.O.F.