Hellooooooo, is anyone (deep) out there? For God’s sakes, according to the trailers and the number one film at the box office “It”, we are a country of violent dunces. Do me a favor, go see Stronger and redeem our collective reputation. Funny thing is, before the violent 8 trailers, my companion and I realized… Continue reading See Stronger, Be Better, Forget ‘It’
Author: Goldie
Book seller and film critic who retired from the institution of education. I've written plays, three of which have been performed both in Rochester NY and here in Sarasota FL. I also write stand up and obviously, film critique.
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Would the real Steve Coogan please stand up? (The Trip to Spain)
I’ve had enough of Mother Nature (Irma here, deadly Maria and Mexico City earthquakes there) so I decided to forego mother! until I have someone to give me a hug after. And I could use a hug. Let’s just say I wish people were more self-aware, acknowledged questions or previous plans and communicated in a… Continue reading Would the real Steve Coogan please stand up? (The Trip to Spain)
I Do…Until I Don’t: the perfect explanation of my opinion
I Do…Until I Don’t is not only the title, but the perfect explanation of my opinion of this film. I do like it, or did, until about three quarters of the way in, when the plot turned so oddly you could hear the proverbial record scratching switch over. But still, I would see it on… Continue reading I Do…Until I Don’t: the perfect explanation of my opinion
The Dude Meets the Daddy Longlegs: An early Safdie (of the recent Good Time) film
Daddy Longlegs is an early film from 2009 by brothers Benny and Josh Safdie, along with Ronald Bronstein who also stars as ‘the Dad’. Much like Good Time, the movie Daddy Longlegs is well done and simultaneously difficult to watch. Like going on a roller coaster that might make you ill, you ride along with… Continue reading The Dude Meets the Daddy Longlegs: An early Safdie (of the recent Good Time) film
Ingrid Goes West: Thought Provoking
As much as I want to say I’m above worrying about social judgment, I am hurt that a recent simplistic choice has cast me in a homely light. As a pedestrian commuter, I transport necessary a.c. sweaters in a Publix bag INSIDE my book bag so they don’t co-mingle with anything dirty. So, what’s the… Continue reading Ingrid Goes West: Thought Provoking
Twilight is Broken and thank goodness: Good Time
If it hadn’t been for Jennifer Jason Leigh’s interview on Marc Maron’s podcast, I would have been very reluctant to see Good Time. I mean a crime drama starring the dude from Twilight isn’t exactly in my wheel house of interests. But JJ Leigh interested me, even more so her back story, her dad Vic… Continue reading Twilight is Broken and thank goodness: Good Time
Adam “Baby” Driver, Just One Reason to see Logan Lucky
Logan Lucky was just what the doctor ordered, a squeeze in of fun between one enervating work shift and before a totally different, and oft times lonely eight hours. I shan’t bore you with the details, besides there’s too much to say about Logan Lucky. Not just because Adam Driver, is the attractive introverted, quirky,… Continue reading Adam “Baby” Driver, Just One Reason to see Logan Lucky
Ghost World and the Mysteries It Created
The movie Ghost World used to come up in conversation with the last man I dated in New York, who from this day forward will be nicknamed my Saturday Night Boyfriend. My SNB was (actually ‘is’, he’s still alive and well and needed a job recommendation to a water park from me this past spring)… Continue reading Ghost World and the Mysteries It Created
The Little Hours: Forgive Me Father For I Have Sinned
“Forgive me Father for I have sinned.” is a line from The Little Hours, but it’s also a literal confessional. I’ll discuss the movie first and then segue into my own transgression. The Little Hours is a new movie by Jeff Baena, most famous for writing I Heart Huckabees. He had two other mainstream movies:… Continue reading The Little Hours: Forgive Me Father For I Have Sinned
Landline, an abrasive ringer, but it gets your attention
A GETROXY TRAILER: Coming soon, I’m going to try my hand at an audio widget! Stay tuned! Landline is a new movie written by Gillian Robespierre (also the writer of Obvious Child) and Eisabeth Holm (creator of the doc Paradise Lost which sounds grueling to watch, but perhaps worth the torture considering it involves the… Continue reading Landline, an abrasive ringer, but it gets your attention