Sofia Coppola First of a Trio: Some Day My Dauphin Will Come “Marie Antoinette”

This review is rated PG13, just like the film! In an attempt to gear up for the misandrist Beguiled, I decided to warm up with 3 Sofia Coppola movies I have never seen. Mind you, one of hers, Lost in Translation, could be my number one modern era movie of all time (though Whiplash is… Continue reading Sofia Coppola First of a Trio: Some Day My Dauphin Will Come “Marie Antoinette”

Baby Driver: Gentlemen, You Started My Engine!

And so it (finally) begins, an excellent summer movies season. First, Dinner with Beatrix and now BABY DRIVER. While not perfect, Baby Driver is excellent right up to the last ten minutes. But wait, this podcast is brought to you by Pete Ryckaert, a Rochester visitor who not only treated me to the movie, but… Continue reading Baby Driver: Gentlemen, You Started My Engine!

Daniel Day-Lewis, Say It Ain’t So: Before Retirement, How about Lincoln in the Bardo, the movie?

Here was a 2:45 a.m. thought: Why doesn’t Daniel Day-Lewis wait and retire after doing Lincoln one more time for a George Saunders inspired Lincoln in the Bardo inspired film? At any rate, the minute I heard DDL was retiring I decided I needed to go back and see a film I had never seen.… Continue reading Daniel Day-Lewis, Say It Ain’t So: Before Retirement, How about Lincoln in the Bardo, the movie?

Heads Spin, Beatrix at Dinner

Ok, my head is spinning from Beatrix at Dinner, directed by Miguel Arteta and written by Mike White (School of Rock! The Good Girl!). And by heads spin, I mean spinning in both positive and negative rotations. The positive: Salma Hayek is dynamite, in fact, the entire ensemble was absolute perfection:females: Britton, Landecker, Sevigny; males:… Continue reading Heads Spin, Beatrix at Dinner

Like the Deepest Ocean, Time Out of Mind Directed by Oren Moverman

I’ll always love Owen Moverman for his superb Love&Mercy and so I spent three nights of penance to get through Time Out of Mind. One of my friends said, “why do you feel the need to finish movies?” Well, in this case, because I have a home, and yet almost daily, I see homeless in… Continue reading Like the Deepest Ocean, Time Out of Mind Directed by Oren Moverman

Dean, a BBQ type of film=well done!

Continuing with my kookie summer time references is the BBQ review title of Demetri Martin’s well done film Dean. A new feature of this review will be a “This review is sponsored by…” ad whenever some kind person pays for my movie going experience. My way of acknowledging nice folks. So this review is brought… Continue reading Dean, a BBQ type of film=well done!

Once, Twice, Three Times a Billy (Bob Thornton)

Forgive the old Commodores song title “Once Twice Three Times a Lady” (by the way was that a secret fat shaming title? an overly p.c. world joke…) But summertime always reminds me of middle-high school when I’d hear the sweet sounds of the Commodores at some carnival or outdoor event. This is actually a review… Continue reading Once, Twice, Three Times a Billy (Bob Thornton)

Parkland, Better Than Jackie. Reviewers, what gives?

Ok, I realize stylistically Jackie is superior to Parkland. But being a Terrence Malick wannabe, is that really better than story? I want to walk away from a film feeling like I learned something new as I did with Parkland, and not bludgeoned with gore porn as I did with Jackie. And I promise I… Continue reading Parkland, Better Than Jackie. Reviewers, what gives?

Mr. Right indeed, but the Movie, Mr. Mediocre

My number one fantasy man is still John McEnroe (not a movie actor-smiley face). He’s the primal adolescent raging hormone man I fell in love with, and plastered my bedroom wall with a giant photo collage with, so long ago. And speaking of high school, I felt that way and this photo reflects that sentiment… Continue reading Mr. Right indeed, but the Movie, Mr. Mediocre

God Before Bod: Becket (1964)

I was going to title this Bro’s Before Ho’s, but decided to at least be p.c. in my hook. Male fellowship is more of a recurring theme in film than I had previously considered. Or perhaps, it just happens to be a motif occurring in some of the movies I’ve seen as of late: The… Continue reading God Before Bod: Becket (1964)