Ok, did a two days in a row of foreign cinema. Name a tragedy and I saw it in film. Actually, I posed that query to my co-worker about A Man Called Ove (directed by Hannes Holm) and he guessed the tragedy shipwreck. Ok, he had me there, there is no shipwreck in A Man… Continue reading Kitchen Sinks Times Two: Man Called Ove and Aquarius
Author: Goldie
Aspiring writer who has retired from the institution of education. I've written plays, three of which have been performed both in Rochester NY and here in Sarasota FL. I also write stand up and obviously, film critique.
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Money Can’t Buy You Soul, proof: The Pickle Recipe’s Delish!
Give Sheldon Cohn a round of applause! He wrote and directed a sweet indie movie called The Pickle Recipe. My hope is some big wig producer will buy the rights and remake it to make Mr. Cohn a rich man. Or better yet, just hire him to write your next script. What makes “The Pickle… Continue reading Money Can’t Buy You Soul, proof: The Pickle Recipe’s Delish!
So Easy to Pass Keeping Up With the Joneses
You know artistic integrity has gone out the window when actors get so large that their advisors start choosing their scripts, picking mediocre ones, just to rake in cash while they can. I’d like to think that was the case with Keeping Up with the Joneses. If anything, the silver lining is, you, too could… Continue reading So Easy to Pass Keeping Up With the Joneses
Howard’s End, Karma comes around
No, you did not time travel back to 1992. Sarasota’s Burns Court Cinema was playing Howard’s End last week (October 2016) because…..hmm, good question. Twenty four years isn’t actually an anniversary milestone. At any rate, I had missed this film back in ’92, probably due my consuming desire to have a baby. (I got my… Continue reading Howard’s End, Karma comes around
In Difesa Mia Madre
How do you lika my I-talian? Sorry, shouldn’t be silly when my defending this film is downright serious. IMDB 6.9, really? Rotten Tomatoes Audience 64%? For shame. I agree more with the RT Critic’s score of 88%. Acting first: Nanno Moretti, who wrote and directed the film, also played the rock solid brother. And yes,… Continue reading In Difesa Mia Madre
No Good Deed Goes Un ‘Sully’ ed
How thoughtful of the Hollywood 20 to simulate the arctic air atop the January Hudson River….NOT.:) Hey, I’m grateful, I got to go outside to get warm afterward, which is still pretty novel for a New York transplant. “Sully”, directed by Clint Eastwood, was excellent. Not tremendous, in spite of Tom Hanks, who is undeniably… Continue reading No Good Deed Goes Un ‘Sully’ ed
Menage a` Trois: two cons and an inferno
Got behind on the blog due to writing a play, titled “Thanks for Giving a Damn”, my apologies. Three flicks on tap, two about cons, one doc and the other based on a true story. First, “The JT Leroy Story” about a woman who, due to trauma either caused by or combined with sexual and… Continue reading Menage a` Trois: two cons and an inferno
You Say You Want a Revolution: Snowden and Howard’s Beatle Doc.
Oliver Stone I took in two equally solid movies this past week, both by famous directors. First, Oliver Stone’s Snowden which I was lucky enough to see opening night including a talk back with the Stone, the actors, and most importantly, Edward Snowden via satellite. I have not read the reviews yet, not liking to… Continue reading You Say You Want a Revolution: Snowden and Howard’s Beatle Doc.
Birbiglia and Gethard, equally irresistible
“Don’t Think Twice” is an amiable rom com that I wouldn’t say you need to run out to see, but because I love Mike Birbiglia and thought his one man show “Thank God for Jokes” in NYC was genius, I have to promote this movie. Chris Gethard is also equally charming in a vulnerable, boy-needs-a-hug… Continue reading Birbiglia and Gethard, equally irresistible
Eat That Question: Frank Zappa
https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=frank+zappa&view=detailv2&qft=+filterui%3alicense-L2_L3_L5_L6&id=F4D5EB86010CC9751E45BB17E1EDE0512E49840C&selectedIndex=2&ccid=8n0WXeyi&simid=608003727703345974&thid=OIP.Mf27d165deca2c8ae7da78a76c4f5cd66o0&ajaxhist=0 The great thing about Frank Zappa is, he doesn’t need an introduction. Even if you weren’t a follower, if you’re above the age of 45, you know his name. My preconceived notions were that he was a wild man, perhaps even savage given some of the sexually explicit lyrics my friend had played me… Continue reading Eat That Question: Frank Zappa