Foghorn “Jackie” Horn

“Jackie”, directed by Pablo Larrain, has given me fits and starts as far as purpose. Was the purpose to show Jackie Kennedy as a 60’s Stepford Wife, who after her husband’s assassination decided to try to assert herself, only to feel defeated? If so, then, Jackie decides to preserve the fantasy of Camelot through an… Continue reading Foghorn “Jackie” Horn

Whoa…Christine, from Sarasota no less

Warning….perhaps for the sensitive this movie (CHRISTINE 2016) should be seen in a matinee for a re-balance of post film light of day. I related way too much to the film’s topic due to experiences I have had as a mental health counselor and the chicken or egg toss up of social anxiety and dysfunctional… Continue reading Whoa…Christine, from Sarasota no less

No Good Deed Goes Un ‘Sully’ ed

How thoughtful of the Hollywood 20 to simulate the arctic air atop the January Hudson River….NOT.:) Hey, I’m grateful, I got to go outside to get warm afterward, which is still pretty novel for a New York transplant. “Sully”, directed by Clint Eastwood, was excellent. Not tremendous, in spite of Tom Hanks, who is undeniably… Continue reading No Good Deed Goes Un ‘Sully’ ed

You Say You Want a Revolution: Snowden and Howard’s Beatle Doc.

Oliver Stone I took in two equally solid movies this past week, both by famous directors. First, Oliver Stone’s Snowden which I was lucky enough to see opening night including a talk back with the Stone, the actors, and most importantly, Edward Snowden via satellite. I have not read the reviews yet, not liking to… Continue reading You Say You Want a Revolution: Snowden and Howard’s Beatle Doc.

Cheadle, Linklater and…Atencio?

I realize my title is like that old Sesame Street game “Which of these directors doesn’t belong?” Read on… A frenetic schedule forces me to do a threesome here, if only to preserve reading time for The New Yorker and Theresa Rebeck staring at me as I type. Miles Ahead, directed by Don Cheadle took… Continue reading Cheadle, Linklater and…Atencio?

Embrace the Serpent, Small Hug at Best

At the risk of appearing shallow, I have to say Embrace the Serpent wasn’t as awe inspiring as some reported (or nominated as in the Oscars). Maybe it was the cardboard performance of Brionne Davis, who in an authentically created South America filmed beautifully in black and white, here comes a guy who looks like… Continue reading Embrace the Serpent, Small Hug at Best

The Lady in the Van (down by the river)

Who doesn’t think of the phrase ‘down by the river’ when you hear the prepositional phrase IN A VAN? In fact, not to get too far off the mark, I’ve thought of Chris Farley skits three times in the last week: motivational speaker here, the Gap girls-inspired by the Aunt Alexandra social hour in To… Continue reading The Lady in the Van (down by the river)