Mind blowing is not hyperbole: Soul

You’re reading a review by an adult cynic…like animation!? Poppycock. Except….”I Lost My Body” and “Up”. So small group of exceptions. But add and in fact, move “Soul” to the number one position…in fact call me Kanye storming the stage if it doesn’t win the best Oscar animated film. And it makes perfect sense, since… Continue reading Mind blowing is not hyperbole: Soul

Hunger (2008), Beware the Yikes of March

The lovely ladies at Burns Court Theater (part of the Sarasota Film Society) were wonderful hostesses to a pre-St Patty’s Day event showing Steve McQueen’s Hunger from 2008. But let me tell you something…this was realism in all caps, like this: REALISM! Attending this film is as close to being in the Maze Prison in… Continue reading Hunger (2008), Beware the Yikes of March

The Climb, Placing My Oscar Bet on Zach Kuperstein

Ok, that bet I just posted in my title, I’d like to place it to happen in the next ten years, since the ye olde Academy has enough fish to fry for awhile. But mark my words, they’ll see the genius of Zach Kuperstein (already nominated for a Independent Spirit (the smartest) Awards for The… Continue reading The Climb, Placing My Oscar Bet on Zach Kuperstein

Rebecca, the Original 1940

In anticipation of watching the Armie Hammer remake, I had to first watch the original Rebecca from 1940, which is the only film Hitchcock ever won an Oscar (and this for film, not direction). The 1940’s version starts Laurence Olivier as the oxymoronic man both aloof and temperamental. The character, at least portrayed here is… Continue reading Rebecca, the Original 1940

The Trial of the Chicago 7

Aaron Sorkin’s prolific and still relatively young. As I perused his filmography, here are my top five of his films: 1. Steve Jobs 2. Social Network 3. Moneyball 4. Molly’s Game 5. Tie: Charlie Wilson’s War and today’s specialty The Trial of the Chicago 7 Aaron’s forte is his snappy storytelling and The Trial of… Continue reading The Trial of the Chicago 7

On the Rocks, Conned this Rox

One of my top fifteen movies of all time is Lost in Translation, Sofia Coppola’s gorgeous ode to feeling misunderstood, captured perfectly by two different generations (Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson) who come together in a hotel bar. So I went skipping to On the Rocks, Sofia’s newest using Bill Murray again, in a different… Continue reading On the Rocks, Conned this Rox

I’m Thinking of Ending Things, But Confusion Set In, Instead

I’m fixated on Charlie Kaufman lately, immediately falling in love with Antkind, his new epic comedy novel. So when it piggybacked (great callback that no one will appreciate unless they see “I’m Thinking of Ending Things”) a new movie he adapted from a novel by Iain Reid, I was in. But wait, an hour in… Continue reading I’m Thinking of Ending Things, But Confusion Set In, Instead