Eye in the Sky: Not Your Average Military Movie

Dear Reader

I recently heard a celebrity say on a podcast how she cries during films on airplanes more often because the altitude opens up tear ducts. I believe this, though don’t want to bother researching a scientific topic right now. Why am I trusting?
When I returned from a long weekend in Sarasota Fl, without ingesting any depressants, I experienced an emotional response unlike any I usually experience. Sure, I am retiring and have cried about this bittersweet event, but this catharsis was more profound. It probably results from ending a long journey like LeBron James’s reaction to winning the NBA playoffs. I have a feeling though, altitude plus a hearkening back to pivotal moments and decisions in my life were the cause.

The beauty of ageing is you learn to feel less embarrassment about expressing sentiments, and so I have no regrets about emailing from a horizontal position on my Kindle (which if you are a constant reader, you know how the typing looks). I meant what I wrote, altitudunal (new word) tear duct influence or no.

And speaking of emotion, what’s better than a Dad who likes to see movies with his daughter on Father’s Day? Dad’s choice was Eye in the Sky at the discount theater. While I held out hope that the all star cast would live up to the Rotten Tomatoes rating, I also was my usual cynical self. I haven’t seen a military movie worth anything since Zero Dark Thirty and even that was lacking…see how cynical I can be? Tear ducts closed!

Gavin Hood, the director, actually appears in the film, and does a great job as the fatherly ‘get some rest son’ type military leader.

I was pleasantly surprised by not only great story telling through economical dialogue, but even more refreshing, a concept of military leaders making decisions based on more than an automoton mindset. Helen Mirren, can’t beat her, Alan Rickman, God Rest His Soul. Even the typically smarmy Aaron Paul played against his typical exaggerated machismo. Definitely worth a rental. Now I want to know how realistic the drones were (bird and giant fly shapes), yet another science tech idea that I don’t have time to research….I’d rather go to the movies:)

By Goldie

Book seller and film critic who retired from the institution of education. I've written plays, three of which have been performed both in Rochester NY and here in Sarasota FL. I also write stand up and obviously, film critique. My comment section does not work, so please email me your comments at irun2eatpizza@hotmail.com

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