Coogan + Brydon=Bliss: A Trip to Greece

Here’s a first: I rented the new, fourth and unfortunately last of Michael Winterbottom’s Trip series with the delectable Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon AND was enjoying it so intensely, I watched it in spurts in purpose. Their impersonations, singing, sound effects are so dizzying, their conversations so witty and fun, that why you would… Continue reading Coogan + Brydon=Bliss: A Trip to Greece

Mid film screenwriting is: Blinded By The Light

“Blinded By the Light” written and directed by Gurinder Chandha, most famous for “Bend it Like Beckham”, could have been an award contender, but some silly elf must have helped co-write the middle sections of the film. The movie premise and last twenty minutes were profound, yet a segment of the middle reminded me of… Continue reading Mid film screenwriting is: Blinded By The Light

Would the real Steve Coogan please stand up? (The Trip to Spain)

I’ve had enough of Mother Nature (Irma here, deadly Maria and Mexico City earthquakes there) so I decided to forego mother! until I have someone to give me a hug after. And I could use a hug. Let’s just say I wish people were more self-aware, acknowledged questions or previous plans and communicated in a… Continue reading Would the real Steve Coogan please stand up? (The Trip to Spain)