Compartment No. 6, Don’t Passover the Little Guy/Girl

Winning three awards at Cannes, directed and adapted from a novel to the screen by Juho Kuomanen, Compartment No. 6 is not a film at which to sneeze, yet because it didn’t make the U.S. Slap Fest, most people probably pass it by. But foreign films are often deeper than American (sorry USA) and Compartment… Continue reading Compartment No. 6, Don’t Passover the Little Guy/Girl

“The Outfit” Comes Off a Little Too Easily

Graham Moore, Oscar winner for Best Adapted Screenplay for the very moving The Imitation Game, co-wrote and directed The Outfit, out now at Burns Court and AMC Bradenton. And while I love Mark Rylance (I could have kissed him for making me laugh so hard in “Don’t Look Up”), this film was just a little… Continue reading “The Outfit” Comes Off a Little Too Easily

The Power of the Dog, Worthy of a Re-Watch

For my initial watch of The Power of the Dog, [and I truly want a re-watch as this movie has some hidden gem moments that hit you out of nowhere and are gone to quickly to be appreciated just once (the post wedding waltz, the Bronco Bill handkerchief scene, the smoking of the same cigarette… Continue reading The Power of the Dog, Worthy of a Re-Watch

Drum Roll for The Cine-World Tall Pole’s Small Poll Voting Results

I recently read a top 7 list of things never to do, one of which included; “never put yourself down”, but that would basically wipe out my entire comedy act…. so in another episode of ‘Does anyone really care about this blog?’ (visualize me with a sympathetic face holding a cue card with my email… Continue reading Drum Roll for The Cine-World Tall Pole’s Small Poll Voting Results

“Leaving Home, Coming Home” Doc: Tribute to Robert Frank

Another find at the Cine-World Film Fest at the Sarasota Film Society’s Burns Court Theater was the rare gem (as far as big screen showings) from 2004 “Leaving Home, Coming Home”. While the doc seemed on the home made side, cinema verite the fancier terminology, the depth of the doc really shone in its second… Continue reading “Leaving Home, Coming Home” Doc: Tribute to Robert Frank

A Faithful Man, More Passivity Proof

I’m wringing my hands together like Columbo did when he was on the brink of cracking a case, because if A Faithful Man does not prove my theory* that men stay too long in dysfunctional relationships, then I’ll eat my NFL hat (see the Columbo NFL hat trivia at *I’ve written an essay detailing… Continue reading A Faithful Man, More Passivity Proof

“Where’s My Roy Cohn?”, Just like MJ, he’s dead and gone

Ok, I saw Matt Tyrnauer’s documentary “Where’s My Roy Cohn?” last night at Sarasota Film Society’s ( Burns Court on it last night. There have simply been too many fantastic docs out this year for this to land as a ‘must see’, though it certainly was enlightening. I didn’t mind that it was an advertisement… Continue reading “Where’s My Roy Cohn?”, Just like MJ, he’s dead and gone

I Don’t Know Why You Say Goodbye, I Say Hello…The Farewell

Lulu Wang’s first major film, “The Farewell”, which she both wrote and directed, should be a tutorial for American film makers. Sure, we have our rare Damien Chazelle folks (rent “First Man”, for instance, which definitely didn’t get enough box office love), but if you want truly poignant pensive artistic moments on film, these days… Continue reading I Don’t Know Why You Say Goodbye, I Say Hello…The Farewell

Confessions of a 55 Year Old (Classic Movie) Virgin

Ok Ok, I confess. I had never seen Citizen Kane before last night’s showing at Sarasota Film Society’s Cinematheque. (A quick aside, why the heck isn’t Sarasota Cinematheque packed with Ringling College Film Majors? You’re missing out! Giant screen, great sound, hipster vibe, talk back op…Get over to 500 Tallevast Road on Saturday nights!) Ok,… Continue reading Confessions of a 55 Year Old (Classic Movie) Virgin