The Return I Was Hoping For: W.A.’s Asteroid City

I’ve always enjoyed Wes Anderson with one exception, French Dispatch. And when I say exception, I hated the depressing black and white, couldn’t relate to any of the characters and the three stories amounted to an emotional zilch. But Wes Anderson, with the help of Roman Coppola, has returned to an artistically creative plateau with… Continue reading The Return I Was Hoping For: W.A.’s Asteroid City

Marriage Story Busts into My Top Three of the Year, Easily!

As if my birthday wasn’t fun enough in NYC with my beautiful son Liam, yesterday thanks to my-friend-who-treats-me-like-gold Jack Guren, I was privileged enough to see a screener of Marriage Story, Noah Baumbach’s take on the gut wrenching process of divorce. You’d think the way our jaded culture (and myself in colder moments) throws the… Continue reading Marriage Story Busts into My Top Three of the Year, Easily!

Ghost World and the Mysteries It Created

The movie Ghost World used to come up in conversation with the last man I dated in New York, who from this day forward will be nicknamed my Saturday Night Boyfriend. My SNB was (actually ‘is’, he’s still alive and well and needed a job recommendation to a water park from me this past spring)… Continue reading Ghost World and the Mysteries It Created