The Return I Was Hoping For: W.A.’s Asteroid City

I’ve always enjoyed Wes Anderson with one exception, French Dispatch. And when I say exception, I hated the depressing black and white, couldn’t relate to any of the characters and the three stories amounted to an emotional zilch. But Wes Anderson, with the help of Roman Coppola, has returned to an artistically creative plateau with… Continue reading The Return I Was Hoping For: W.A.’s Asteroid City

Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio

First, I want to give a shout out to the original Pinocchio author, Carlo Collodi, a fine Sagittarian born on November 24th and who died at 63 back in 1890. With that acknowledgement out of the way, let me say I was pumping the brakes during the first ten minutes of GdT’s Pinocchio, thinking aw… Continue reading Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio

French Dispatch, Just Ca Va

Wes Anderson’s French Dispatch reminds me of me when I’m trying to tell a long story or joke, I talk way too fast, lacking confidence or worried that the person’s listening is bored. So Wes, get thee to a therapist. You’re an artist, but you have to slow down the pace so we can enjoy… Continue reading French Dispatch, Just Ca Va

One Outta Three Ain’t Bad: Gilliam, Gillespie and LaGravenese

I attempted three movies in the last five days and only got through one…I know, rescind my film fanatic card. Ya see, I need some comedy in my life and that wasn’t going to happen in any way shape or form in The Last Five Years (LaGravense-a name that works-‘grave’) nor in Lars and The… Continue reading One Outta Three Ain’t Bad: Gilliam, Gillespie and LaGravenese

Not AABA’s “Orlando”, But Just as Pretty

So I’m watching what I thought was a new Amazon show, I Love Dick (not an Anthony Wiener expose`) hoping to scoop my ultra hip friend Carrie- (only later to be told by Carrie that she saw the show previewed a year ago among many other Amazon shows which were voted on, “but wait, I… Continue reading Not AABA’s “Orlando”, But Just as Pretty

The Bigger Splash-A Must See!

A Bigger Splash is a must see, partly due to Tilda Swinton who plays a muted (due to her character’s vocal injury) rock and roll singer. And while seeing this in my new home town of Sarasota, I felt a little like Tilda, muted in my won way by a stress fracture due to running,… Continue reading The Bigger Splash-A Must See!

Not an Earthquake, Just Julius Rollin’ Over: Hail, Caesar

Rotten Tomatoes, are you kidding me? The collection of critics who averaged higher than a 75% should have their opine licenses revoked. Hail, Caesar was an utter bore. The trailer may look cute, but the film as a whole has no solid story nor characterization. Remember the halcyon Coen Brohters Days? In Big Lebowski, all… Continue reading Not an Earthquake, Just Julius Rollin’ Over: Hail, Caesar