The Dry, a 100% until the last ten minutes, no spoilers

What fun it was to see The Dry on the big screen, an eerie movie rendition of a Jane Harper novel written and directed by Robert Connolly, winner of several Aussie Awards. He also had help writing from fellow Australian Harry Cripps and Jane Harper herself.
First, whatever supplements Eric Bana is taking, get thee to a pharmacy and buy the same. A handsome perfect detective, Bana (star of Hulk, Munich and Blackhawk Down) is a man of few words reminiscent of the Bogart tradition. Keir O’Donnell, who was hilarious in Wedding Crashers, plays the straight man here as the trusting townie policeman is also flawless. The flashback teenage actors were all tremendous as well as the middle aged ne’er do wells who wanted to rough up any foreigners who dare to ask questions on past crimes. One last acting shout out to sultry Genevieve O’Reilly who was excellent as a femme fatale, good enough to remind me of Barbara Stanwyck.
A suspenseful well told story that keeps you guessing until the very end.
The only acting false note was one of the teens fathers who just seemed to be overreaching in his role. And there should have been an announcement with 10 minutes remaining that said: For those of you who get it, please proceed to the next theater over to see the credits. Anyone still confused, hang on, we’ll draw you some pictures.

By Goldie

Book seller and film critic who retired from the institution of education. I've written plays, three of which have been performed both in Rochester NY and here in Sarasota FL. I also write stand up and obviously, film critique. My comment section does not work, so please email me your comments at

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