Trainwreck & the Tracks of My Tears

I was really looking forward to Amy Schumer’s Trainwreck. Like many, I thought she was too crude at one time, but three skits on her tv series Inside Amy Schumer turned me right around this past winter.

First the skits which I implore you to google one, if not all, and watch to your giggle’s content:
1. 12 Angry Men shot in black and white. First, don’t try this at work, unless you want to get fired as it’s the entire 30 minute show. Paul Giamatti (nominated for an Emmy guest appearance by the way) plays the angriest juror as the men debate whether Amy is hot enough for television..hysterical, intelligent, perverse.
2. Silent Film being ousted by Talkies (also shot in black and white), a skit where the aforementioned topics are switched to handies vs. mouthies…and I’ll let you figure that out if you dare not to watch.
3. The Herpes Scare with Paul Giamatti again (can you tell I’m a fan?-John Adams, Sideways, Love & Mercy!). Paul plays God in this skit which is perfect; witty and obscene.

Now back to Trainwreck: I truly enjoyed it, but will concur with Marshall Fine (Hollywood and Fine reviews) in that Apatow needs to edit. Until you’re Scorsese you can’t put every bloody scene you shoot in a flick.

And at the risk of sounding too Amy-like (meaning commitment phobic NOT whorish), the romance aspect was overdone. And please, no more straight roles for Bill Hader, he does his best work as kooky characters like Stefan on the SNL News. Let this man camp it up and NOT play a pathetic Dr. Oz look alike!

To finish on an up note, as I do think her writing is genius, I love how she layers her comedy, what with the recurring movie within a movie starring Daniel Radcliffe and Marissa Tomei and if I lived anywhere near Manhattan, I would have seen both of Colin Quinn’s Broadway shows. Watch out Kristen Wiig, here comes Amy.

By Goldie

Book seller and film critic who retired from the institution of education. I've written plays, three of which have been performed both in Rochester NY and here in Sarasota FL. I also write stand up and obviously, film critique. My comment section does not work, so please email me your comments at

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